Research and Mission

The history of the University of Agriculture in Krakow dates back to the late nineteenth century when the faculty of agriculture of the Jagiellonian University was first established. This in time went on to become an independent entity in its own right, the forerunner of the University of Agriculture as it is today. The first Faculty of this newly-formed entity was the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics.

The values included in the mission of the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics are the pursuit of truth, openness to new challenges, respect for human dignity and the importance of a thriving multicultural academic community, objectivity of thought and promotion of academic values and attitudes in an atmosphere of tolerance and freedom. We believe that by implementing these values we contribute to the development of the economy, including the food economy, rural areas and the natural environment.

Today, the Faculty offers study programs in the fields of Agriculture, Environmental Protection, Bioeconomy, Environmental Quality and Safety, Management and Economics, leading to degrees in engineering and to bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree level.


Areas of research conducted within the Faculty of Agriculture and Economics

Natural sciences:

  • productivity of crop rotations and crops in farming systems
  • impact of agrotechnology on crop yields
  • basic research into plant breeding and seed science for arable crops
  • improvement of technology for the cultivation of selected crops
  • environmental monitoring
  • use of industrial and municipal wastes in agriculture
  • degradation and protection of soils, genesis and classification of soils, soil physics
  • microbiology of soil and water, ecotoxicology of soils, biochemistry of soils,
  • integrated pest control and biological crop protection
  • impact of agrotechnological factors on the occurrence of pests
  • physiologial and biochemical bases of resistance of arable crops to biotic and abiotic factors
  • ecophysiological factors in the productivity of arable crops
  • physiology of generative development of arable crops


Economic and sociological sciences:

  • current state and perspectives for international development of agriculture
  • agriculture and rural development in the European Union
  • development of agricultural advisory services in Poland and worldwide
  • multifunctional development of rural areas and directions for stimulation of economic development of communities
  • management accounting for farms
  • farm management
  • marketing and market for agri-food products
  • alternative sources of income for farms
  • service activities for farms
  • energy efficiency
  • social policy in Poland and worldwide
  • statistical analysis of economic structures
  • multivariate statistical analysis
  • statistical analysis of tourist base and the level of intensification of development of tourism in Poland
University of Agriculture in Krakow
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
Aleja Mickiewicza 21
12 662 43 32
12 633 44 43
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